donderdag 24 december 2015

7 Scary Toxics in Processed Foods

Know what are the negative effects it can have on our bodies toxic which are present in processed foods. It is necessary you can replace these foods that can ultimately affect your health without being conscious of it.
Today it is very common to hear of a problem with toxic processed foods. To understand the potential dangers in our dishes and avoid toxins in food is to read labels, understand the sources of food, and keep the kitchen clean of the following ingredients that will be presented here. This is especially important for children dishes; they are ultimately those who eat this type of toxic sources for the body.

1. Syrup High Fructose Corn
corn syrup, high fructose
Honey syrup, high fructose corn
Potential effects of corn syrup, high fructose obesity, insulin resistance, increased fat in the abdomen, heart disease.

2. Trans fats
toxic margarine
Labeled “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated” trans fats are potentially harmful to the body. The negative effects that can trigger are: heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many others.

3. Artificial Flavors
Called “natural flavors” is a term that refers blank over 100 possible chemical additives that are currently used to flavor all kinds of food. Potential effects you can be listed in these two main: allergies and behavioral disturbances.

4. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
MSG is alalso known as sodium glutamate. Potential effects of MSG: chest pain, heart palpitations, headache, stimulation causing us feel like wanting to eat more.

5. Artificial Colors
Artificial dyes are used in all kinds of food, some examples of these are the sweets and crisps, in dressings and applesauce, among many others. What are the negative effects on our health: allergies, sinus congestion, hyperactivity in children, worse symptoms like attention deficit disorder and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity.

6. Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet): Mainly affects the nervous system.
Potential effects: headache, dizziness, memory loss, seizures.
Sucralose (Splenda): Decreases the good bacteria of the intestine.
Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K): Studies indicate that it may cause cancer.
Neotame: More studies are needed to verify their safety.
Saccharin (Sweet’NLow): Tested to cause cancer in animals. It is suspected to be a human carcinogen.

7. Preservatives
What are the harmful effects of preservatives:
TBHQ: Tinnitus, nausea, vomiting.
Polysorbates (60, 65 and 80): Infertility, immunosuppressant, anaphylaxis.
BHT / BHA: Problems in the liver and kidney. The BHA is a possible carcinogen.
Sodium benzoate: Allergic reactions carcinogen.
Sulfites: Allergic reactions – especially asthma.

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How to Speed Up Metabolism?

If you are with a few extra pounds and very difficult to lose them, it is very common to blame it on lazy metabolism. But is he the real culprit? More than that, what can you really do to speed up your metabolism?

What is metabolism?
Metabolism is a number of hormones and enzymes that convert calories (food) into energy in a more or less efficient.

It is he who sets the pace at which you burn the calories you consume and also responsible for the speed with which you spend or accumulate these calories.

Your metabolism suffers diverse influences such as age (the slows metabolism about 5% every decade after 40 years), gender (men burn more calories than women), lean mass (muscle) this (the higher, more fast metabolism) and heredity.

Occasionally health problems such as hypothyroidism or deficiency of other hormones can also slow down the metabolism.

“Health problems such as hypothyroidism or deficiency of other hormones can also slow down the metabolism.”
Accelerating its “engine”
While there are factors difficult to be modified, fortunately there are ways to speed up your daily calorie expenditure. The best way is the regular practice of physical activity, which should include aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises, which will help you keep your long-term metabolic rate.

The cells present in muscles burns more rapidly than calorie fat cells, even at rest.

Studies have shown that each kilogram of muscle mass burning calories by day 70, while each kilogram of fat burning only four calories per day.

Although 30 minutes of aerobic exercise burn more calories than 30 minutes of strengthening exercises (weight training), in the hours after exercise, is the worked muscles that will be responsible for supporting its increased metabolic expenditure. In other words, having more muscle means you can eat more and gain less weight.

Eat more often and burn faster
The more often you eat, the faster you burn calories. Smaller, more frequent portions help keep your metabolism always on alert.

The opposite is also true: if you spend many hours without eating or “jumps” meals, your metabolism is too slow, saving power consumption.

Another important factor is that people who “lancham” between meals, tend to eat a smaller amount during lunch and dinner, which leads to a significant decrease in the amount of calories consumed each day, resulting in an increase in metabolic rate and a decrease in body fat.

Foods that speed up the caloric burn
Proteins require about 30% more energy to be digested. So, in theory, snacks rich in protein are better, but nothing concrete was discovered about foods that help burn calories.

Some items such as pepper red and green tea have property to accelerate the basal metabolic rate within 30 minutes after its intake, but these benefits are not enough to generate a significant weight loss.

In summary, to speed up your metabolism, nothing better than to increase their muscle mass, eat a high protein diet in more often and less.

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These 5 Tips Will Keep You Going to the Gym


1 Set your own routine. Plan your week in the gym: the days you go and do the exercises. No need to go every day, but it is important to at least go 3 times a week. Also raises the exercises you will do each day based on your goals, always realistic.

2 Find an exercise that you enjoy. While spinning is fashionable not like or can not adapt to your pace. Choose a sport that suits your body and your goals. Do not stay with the one fashion or the easiest, you can get frustrated by not achieving your goals.

3 With music it is better. Playing sports with music is beneficial in many ways. It helps to motivate you when you are doing sport, to encompass exercise routines and make more bearable physical effort.

4 Go accompanied. Go to the gym with a friend is more fun and forces you to be more consistent. Even you can do friendly competitions between you, to see who steps down before carving or exercise more muscle. You can not find anyone to go? The gym can be a perfect place to make new friends.

5 The last push. Do you have everything ready to go to the gym and just when you enter a drop in energy? Have a coffee before leaving home. A cup of coffee gives us little energy boost needed to continue with our plans. Remember that before exercise, you should eat breakfast like a queen!

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How Sleeping Helps You to Get Fit

Who train with weights, especially professional bodybuilders know that to maintain physical fitness and promote the development of muscle cells need sleep.
Rest with proper nutrition, hydration and training are the pillars of muscle development, which is valid for all people train with weights or not.
Research published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine indicates that sleep deprivation alters hormones and can promote obesity. It states that partial sleep deprivation alters levels of the hormones that regulate hunger and appetite.

Leptin tells the brain that the body does not need more food. Ghrelin is the hormone that triggers hunger. However, research conducted with a group of 12 healthy male volunteers between 20 and 25 who slept only four hours a night for two days was conclusive. They experienced a decline of 18% in leptin and an increase of 28% in ghrelin levels. In conclusion: Too little sleep, increase appetite and fat.
How much should you sleep each night?
It depends on the age and energy that is spent during the day. But sleep experts recommend about eight hours. For younger people, between ten and eleven hours.
If you train with weights intensely, it is appropriate to sleep 8-10 hours continuous overnight to allow the body to regenerate damaged tissues and promote cell anabolism.
Magical dream
We should not simplify the problem and pretend to sleep more will lose weight, like everything in life, the important thing is balance.
You need enough but within a healthy pattern of life where food and physical activity are present naturally sleep.
Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of our body, anyone who has suffered insomnia or has been studying or working know that tomorrow is the day begins with listlessness, drowsiness and somewhat cranky.
So we plan daily activities considering the hours devoted to rest, nothing happens if we do not then possibly we will have a chance to recover. When going to bed, his is deep sleep to stay healthy.

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woensdag 23 december 2015

4 Main Weight Loss Myths

If you’ve ever wondered about the weight loss (and You’re doing it, admit it!), You will inevitably come across one of the following popular myths about losing weight. They are so deeply penetrated into us that presented irrefutable truths, although most are not based on any reliable scientific theories. Moreover, the results of studies in recent years, directly refute some of them.

Cardio, particularly running, is the best way to lose weight

Once it so happened that many people believe that the long-running, cycling or walking – a major exercise for fat loss. In fact, if these activities and help get rid of a pair of a kilogram is done it will be largely due to loss and muscle mass of your body fat will remain almost unchanged. In addition, these exercises have a short-term effect and calorie burning stops almost immediately after you step off the treadmill.

The best alternative to a low-intensity cardio is to use a high-intensity interval training (HIIT or for short). During these training segments of a very high load followed by periods of rest, for a total burns more calories much longer affects your and gives a metabolism more pronounced result when losing weight. In this study it was proved that HIIT was 9 times more efficient at burning fat compared with long cardio moderate loads.

Do not eat after six in the evening

Probably somewhere in the ideal world, it usually works, but in our real, it means coming home from work, you can not restore normal forces and deprive yourself of the pleasure of sharing a meal with the family. This rule not only hurts you, but do not make much sense.

Fact that obesity The leads to excess food intake and it does not matter what time of day you eat it. There have been several studies in which the two groups were given the same amount of calories, but at different times. As you’ve probably guessed, much of a difference for weight loss that it did not matter. Moreover, the observed positive effect of the hormone Growth Hormone in the burning of fat is at night, so do not give up on moderate dinner at a convenient time.

Breakfast – is the most important meal

Well, you remember, probably, all these statements about “eat yourself breakfast, lunch, this content share …” and so on. No, at breakfast there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but the value for weight loss is greatly exaggerated.

When you eat in the morning you set your body on the day of the program, according to which it expects at least as fewer calories throughout the day. If you cheat your body in your expectations, you will experience constant hunger. In other words , the more you eat at breakfast, the more you want to eat all day.

Therefore, tomorrow, instead, to start eating right in the morning, just drink a glass of water or coffee. And my usual breakfast, move at least a few hours. You will not feel hungry all day, even if slightly reduced their usual diet . It works better than the most advanced diet, I promise.

Eating every 3-4 hours can speed up your metabolism

Theory behind this The myth suggests that frequent meals increases the metabolic rate The, which in general is true. But this does not necessarily lead to the loss of fat. There is no conclusive evidence linking the frequency of food intake and weight loss.

A recent French study proved that there is no relation between people consume 2,000 calories in four portions of 500, and those who ate twice at 1,000 calories. But we can say for sure that the need to eat every few hours makes you a slave to the plates and terribly uncomfortable in real life.

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Muscle Building Tips for Vegetarians.

First you should be aware that in plant foods just getting non-heme iron much more difficult to absorb. In other words, you need to lend a hand to your body with vitamin C and phytates, present in the skin of vegetables and whole grains. As for the volume to win, do what the dietician recommends Javier Gaite Thode: “What is important is not to consume protein, but to maintain an adequate intake of carbohydrates.” Note that carbohydrates stimulate the production of a hormone that promotes muscle growth.

Do you want to build muscle without eating a chicken breast? These tips pointing at the door of your refrigerator:

1) Control your intake of protein
As much as you inflate to eat protein if you do not have enough carbohydrates in your body muscle mass will be compromised: the first thing the body when viewed lacking in carbohydrates is to transform the muscle protein into glucose to thereby obtain energy .

2) Combine the ingredients in your dishes
If you want to avoid this situation and gain volume, Javier Gaite dietitian advised you to give preference to dishes rich in carbohydrates from cereals, pasta, potatoes, rice or corn, tofu and tempeh (soy). “Toss with vegetables,” says dietitian. “This partnership will give the dish a profile similar to the meat amino acids, so they’re getting good quality protein with which to build your muscles.”

3) Beware of some ingredients
Do not overdo with proteins from eggs and milk: high levels of cholesterol and saturated fat stoop testosterone levels, causing a decrease in libido and muscle and increasing fat.

4) Yes, you can
You’re not the first vegetarian who wants to build muscle and get it. Okay, you do not want to be a Schwarzenegger, but guys like Roy Andreas Cahling or Hilligen became professional, well-defined bodybuilders, being so vegetarians like you.

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maandag 21 december 2015

Cardio, strength training or HIIT?

When we want to stay fit or fat loss is on everyone’s mind.

Let’s say you want to lose weight, and you want to do it as quickly as possible.

What should you choose? The race rug? Sprints? Squats?

I am convinced that you speculate on what might be best for you.

In this article I will give you my light to identify which of the three contenders deserves the title of King of fat burners.

The candidates :

Cardio: They are all relatively low intensity exercises you can do on a prolonged period of time and that elevates your heart rate. We can evoke the outdoor jogging, treadmill or the elliptical.
HIIT: This is a high intensity interval training that alternates between intense sequences of activity with periods of low or zero intensity.
Strength Training: It includes exercises in body weight or with additional charges for a development of the muscle mass or strength.
There were hundreds and hundreds of studies done on about it. But before discussing these studies I would like to make some clarifications.

If you want to get in shape and lose weight, the most important thing you need to do is rebalance your diet.

Your diet is responsible for 80-90% of your success or failure. As I often said, even if you spend ten hours a week in the gym, you still have 168 hours to spoil your work. If you care about your weight, the fastest way to success is a balanced diet. Keep your total calories under control, delete junk food, give up sugar, and start of healthy foods.

So all are said to “eat” is the key to everything, but for best results we leaning on the 3 competitors under the ROI of fat burners.


Cardio is the most simple thing to implement when it comes to burning calories.

If you burn more calories than you consume in a day, you will lose weight. Walk on a treadmill at 5km / H for an hour and you’ll burn about 300 calories. You do not need special weight or to have a thorough knowledge of all strength exercises, just a pair of shoes and legs. This is why the majority of people who start to do exercise by embarking on a treadmill or an elliptical trainer for hours.

Now here’s my problem with cardio: it can be really annoying! Second, in terms of fitness, it is certainly not the most effective method. Indeed, if it helps to make the heart work remaining at a higher level of functioning during exercise, it prepares the cardiovascular system at times of extreme stress because he never really deal with rapid change.

So why cardio is not so effective when it comes to burning calories?

There are very few e post oxygen consumption (EPOC) with cardio, which means you burn calories during the workout but that does not happen much later.

The main benefit of cardio is it accessible to almost everyone, his training is simple with very low impacts. Your organization may therefore take hours and hours, day after day, if you do not die of boredom before …


When it comes to efficiency for burning calories, HIIT is far ahead of cardio.

Why? EPOC! This stuff I mentioned just above. When doing a HIIT session your body will continue to burn calories for hours and hours after training. What does it mean ? This means that you burn calories while sitting on your ass watching TF1.

The HIIT how it works?

The HIIT constantly forces your heart to adapt to changing conditions: sprints, jogging, sprints, jogging, hills, flat etc. Your heart learns to operate outside the norm, your body learns to adapt to these changes. All these changes speed up your metabolism for hours after you finish exercising.

A university study has followed the changes in body composition of 45 overweight women over a period of 15 weeks. The women were divided into two groups practicing traditional one another HIIT cardio. At the end of the study, women in the HIIT group lost three times more body fat than women of the cardio group (An interesting note:. Loss of fat from the HIIT group came mainly from the leg area and buttocks.)
Three times the amount of fat loss for half the working time? Sounds good to me.

However, the bad thing about HIIT is that it takes your body more time to recover, and you can hardly do more than 20-30 minutes if you are starting an hour for experts.

The other bad thing about HIIT? You Baverez in the opening minutes. Takers …

Strength Training

Cardio is a method to burn calories but HIIT is more effective because it burns calories both during and after exercise, weight training where in all this is?

To discover here a study that should shed some light:

The overweight subjects were divided into three groups: diet only, diet + cardio, cardio + diet + weight training.
The “single food” group lost 6.8 kg of fat in 12 weeks. The “Power + cardio ‘group lost only 500 grams more than the” diet only “group (The training was three times a week for 50 minutes).
The group with the weight lost 10.5 kg of fat!
Thirty-six 50-minute sessions is much work to lose additional 500 g of fat. While the addition of bodybuilding has greatly accelerated the results in terms of fat loss.
Here are the lessons to be learned from this: what you eat is the most important thing when it comes to weight loss, cardio training is useful, but not as one might think, finally bodybuilding when it is combined with the two is the most effective method for the abandonment of kilos.

What are the most suitable exercises for weight loss?

The exercises that recruit as many muscles (squats, lunges, burpees …) are most effective. By doing these exercises as a circuit training, you will realize a weight training session that allows you to build muscle while losing fat. You can then progress to a specific fitness program incorporating cardio for optimum results.

The verdict:

My decision on what you need to do depends mostly on your fitness level, how much time you can devote to daily exercise, and what you actually do like.
Remember: Above all, it is your diet that is the ROI in terms of weight loss.

Eating poorly and no meaningful results. Eat well, with healthy foods, exercising, and you will get good results.

Here is my advice to you:

Opt for cardio if:

You really like the carpet and the elliptical, or if you really run
You have all the time in front of you
You are a beginner and you do not really know what you are doing
Choose HIIT if:

You do not like lifting weights, but you want to burn calories as quickly as possible
You only have a limited amount of time each day
Like pushing your body to its limits.
Do weight training if:

You want to build muscle while burning calories
Want to improve your plastic.
You’re not afraid to lift weights.

Finally, the important thing is to be happy and healthy, which means it’s up to you to find a good combination of the three methods above. Fortunately, there is no 100% perfect method to get in shape, so find something you like and hold for the long term.

If you have spent months doing cardio, try to vary the speed and intensity each time. If you are afraid to lift weights, try adding some exercise to your body weight sessions. Finally try to add some cardio to your weight training sessions on days off to drop a few more calories.

More importantly, EAT BETTER!

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Women and Muscle Building

We hear this question when nine out of ten women want to do weight training to maintain, lose weight, lose belly, thighs and firm buttocks, “Is what I’m not going to take too much muscle? “Or” I do not want to take muscle “or even” I do not want to lose my femininity. “It is very likely that you (or someone you know) have done this kind of remark. Many women think that their muscles will double or triple in volume simply because they raise a dumbbell!

The female muscle
It is simply irrational for a woman to be afraid to end up with huge muscles if practice bodybuilding. This fear is due in part to an inaccurate representation of muscular women. Nowadays, most muscular women that we see consists of elite professional bodybuildeuses, weightlifters and athletes like weight throwers / javelin who have trained for years to develop their muscles. Like their physical extremes are the only illustrations of “muscular women”, many women avoid bodybuilding for fear of having a hyper-developed plastic immediately. You want a toned body, but not too muscular. You also want to meet the canons of femininity such as imposing the society. That sounds complicated? So what are you supposed to do? Practicing bodybuilding, of course! Discover the reasons therefore.

Why not have fear of gaining muscle?
Imagine for a moment that women who regularly take bodybuilding suddenly massive muscles. If that were the case, why fitness rooms they are not filled with women in hypertrophied musculature? Back to reality: it is rare to see a woman with very large muscles because to get this kind of physics, certain elements are required: a good genetic potential, intense years of training specifically to develop a large muscle mass and finally, a rate of testosterone (male hormone) than normal. Of course, there are also women who “supplémentent” androgens …

Most women who do weight training are struggling to have thick and bulging muscles due to their low testosterone: a woman can not increase their muscle size as a man because it 20-30 times less testosterone than a man; gold, muscle development is largely related to plasma levels of this hormone. Although men and women become as strong with strength training (in proportion to their lean mass), they do not get as muscular. Even professional bodybuildeuses recognizing how difficult it is to form large muscle.

Now that you are convinced that there is nothing to worry about having huge muscles, stop spending hours on the stepper and put you to push the cast! Deciding on a physical appearance that is realistic for you and get started fully. The goal of bodybuilding is not to look like someone else, it should be to improve their physical and maximum health by losing fat and having good physical shape. Experts recommend the same fitness programs for men and women.

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vrijdag 18 september 2015

Difference Between Aerobic And Anaerobic Training

Physical exercise is a great way to have a healthy body and mind. It is better to attend a class where you are trained by an expert coach. You must have seen high energy aerobic classes and also classes where they claim to tone your muscles into shape those are dependent on Aerobic and Anaerobic trainings to be specific. So, what is the difference between the two?

To answer in simple terms, aerobic exercises are those which are of low to high intensity, where the amount of oxygen intake is sufficient to sustain. Oxygen is carried to muscles in just about adequate quantity. Anaerobic exercises on the other hand, are intense activities, which are of high intensity, performed for shorter duration of time. There will not be enough supply of oxygen for muscles to sustain it for a longer duration of time. Sounds very confusing? Now let us get into some basics.

There are many forms of physical exercises. Any form of physical exercise is where energy is burnt doing some kind of bodily activity. Now, energy is produced in the body through carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are nothing but sugar. When we eat, sugar is circulated in our blood. A type of hormone called Insulin is released by the body which helps to convert sugar into glycogen. Glycogen is a form of glucose, which can be stored in the body cells. Glycogens however, can be stored in limited quantity by the body.A small amount in liver and muscle cells. This forms the base for muscle based fuel, which can be burnt quickly to produce instantaneous energy.

Glucose is burnt when we do physical exercise. Glycogens reserves are burnt when we do intense exercises like running, weight lifting, climbing stairs etc. Burning glucose produces a lot of carbon dioxide, which is exhaled through breathing. When a lot of glucose is burnt instantaneously, which is what happens during an anaerobic exercise, there will lot of waste materials produced in the form of lactic acids. When all of glycogen in liver and muscle cells is used up, along with effects of these waste materials, you hit a state of conditions where muscles give up. This is called fatigue. This is the limit to which body muscles will work using all its glycogen that is stored. This is why an athlete like sprinter will hit the state of fatigue very quickly.

On the other hand, fat is burnt at slower rate. Fat is that reserve which is not mobilized and burnt for a quick requirement, but when glucose is released into blood during exercising, when glycogen reserves go down, fat metabolism increases. Hence, during aerobic exercising, that is when the low intensity exercises are performed, 40 to 60% of energy source is said to come from fat. This is in contrast to anaerobic exercises which burn only glycogen reserve hitting the fatigue state. This can be correlated to a marathon runner. When a marathon runner is running at a slow and steady pace, he will be using up combination of fat and glycogen. He would not hit the fatigue state until he has a little amount of glycogen left in his body. Also, he should be avoiding accumulation of lactate. When he comes to his final lap, he can afford to run at faster pace, which is balanced use of glycogen.

Aerobic exercising has benefits of its own. Since it helps in burning fats rather than glycogens, it helps in keeping the body in shape and loses weight. It is good to keep your heart and lungs in shape. Anaerobic exercises are important as well. They are helpful to lean your muscles, tone the body and increase your fitness levels. So, which one of them is good for you?

There is no right or wrong answer for this. It totally depends on your goal, what you need to achieve by attending the training. For an athlete, it is important to build high fitness levels and tolerance. Hence anaerobic exercises and training is advisable. For most of us, exercising is done with a goal to keep the body healthy and to lose weight. Aerobic exercises here helps by longer hours of working and burning extra fat and carbohydrates. It is also less stressful for people with joint and muscle problems. It helps for people with heart related problems and blood pressure.

There is a thin line between aerobic and anaerobic exercises. While walking is aerobic, brisk walking become anaerobic. As and when the demand for oxygen increases, it becomes anaerobic, though it is good to burn fat by low intensity activities, one need to also have good fitness. It is always a combination of both that is recommended by trainers. Most of them start with aerobic and move towards anaerobic trainings.

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donderdag 17 september 2015

These 7 tips will give you more energy!

Do you recognize the feeling that you do not get the most out of your day? Do you have an energy slump during the day? Here are some simple tips to recharge yourself for a workout when you’re tired.

Tip 1


Perhaps you recognize the feeling that after a long night sleep is awake and disoriented experiences a general fatigue during the first hours? An American study has shown that this feeling is similar to the crippling effect of a number of glasses of alcohol. The body needs at least 20 to 45 minutes to get rid of that feeling. Do you want to speed up this process?

Drink cold water

The solution to the problem in the morning is to drink cold water or splash cold water on your face. Due to the cold water your body gets awaken by adrenaline that is being released. An additional advantage is the cells get a new supply of water after being dehydrated as a result of the long sleeping hours.

Tip 2

During an intense workout or stressful day your body will react similar to an attack by a bear. Large amounts of cortisol are being released into the bloodstream giving you a momentary increase of your energy level. The problem is that your body can not continue to meet the demand and release of cortisol. This allows your body gets exhausted and you get a long-term energy slump.

Solution: Drink green tea

Try not to drink too much coffee, as too many caffeine creates a feeling of restlessness and of being agitated according to some nutritionists. A better method is to drink green tea because it contains just enough caffeine for the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which provides for the release of cortisol. Furthermore fruit tea also contains ECGC. This is a flavonoid that provides more focus and calm (please note that these are studies, the effects remain unsubstantiated in humans). Green tea takes longer to be effective than coffee. For the right effect is wise to drink one or two cups of tea about an hour before your workout.

Problem 3

Sometimes you probably suffer from heavy eyelids. Your body is not a machine that can go on and on forever like the energizer bunny. It is important to give your body a rest, because the body is constantly being renewed and rebuilt. A large part of the growth of new cells, heart and brain will take place during sleep. If you consistently are not sleeping enough your body will demand that you rest more.

Solution: Take a break break

Take a power nap. Or go have a nice chat with a colleague. Research from Caldwell NASA showed that participants with sleep deprivation responded better on problem situations if they had had a short break. The mere fact that you’re at all of that chair lifts, has been helping with the increase of concentration. Recent research also revealed that tired people are more alert when they are standing instead of sitting.

Problem 4

Do you often notice an energy slump for about two hours after breakfast? Then it is important to read the following. Your breakfast, stipulates how your blood sugar moves the rest of the day. If you skip breakfast, this implies that your brains and muscles lack the necessary glucose. If you eat refined carbohydrates like white bread as your breakfast, you will experience a really short period of energy peak throughout the day. After that, your energy level falls even lower than normal.

Solution: Eat protein at breakfast

Try to get in at least 10 grams of protein during your breakfast. For example eat muesli with cottage cheese and a piece of fruit. Or two hard-boiled eggs for a controlled rise in your blood sugar and energy levels. Some people even take a protein shake as breakfast. This will prevent that energy collapse. Proteins release peptides that provide a feeling of fullness and your cortisol and insulin levels remain stable for longer.

Problem 5

Perseverance is partly between your ears. The feeling that you’re exhausted and you stop exercising has mainly to do with motivation.

Solution: Listen to music

Music not only provides a higher motivation, but also enhances the performance. Research has shown that when people listen to music while running that they can go about 15 percent longer. But besides the endurance, there is another advantage which is increase in the maximum force. Recent research by the University of Fullerton shows that people who can perform powerful squats while listening to uplifting music. Preferably choose numbers between 125 and 140 bpm (this is the perfect pace for running).

Problem 7

Don’t drink coffee before you go to sleep. Furthermore, the combination of alcohol and caffeine is dangerous because caffeine partly camouflages the drunkenness which makes you take more risks. If the energetic feeling of caffeine has been pulled away, you are drunk with sleep deprivation.

Solution: More powernaps

Take a power nap if you have no energy. Irish research has shown that if you take a nap late in the day, you’re more likely to hit deep sleep later in the evening. Australian research shows that a nap of 10 to 20 minutes is short enough sleep to have effect.

Problem 8

Do you struggle to stay awake in the evening? Your body gives you about one hour before you normally go to bed a signal to take it easy. This is done by means of a reduction in the cortisol level. This is necessary because your brains can recover for the next day. Actually, this is a moment to obey your body and go to sleep. If you still want an energy boost, you should read the tip below.

Solution: Chewing gum

In the US Army, it frequently happens that soldiers must make long shifts. As a solution, they have caffeine gum to stay sharp. For a quick boost eat gum with about 100 milligrams of caffeine as Military Energy Gum (MEG). Caffeine in chewing gum is a lot more efficient than coffee. The caffeine in coffee will start working after a minute, while tea takes fifteen minutes to half an hour. Another solution caffeine pills.

Problem 9

For men, it applies that the testosterone level decreases during the day. This decrease can cause your sex drive decreases significantly during the day. Furthermore, even your endurance decrease due to the decline in testosterone. Testosterone is actually the most powerful energy booster that men have.

Solution: Go to the gym more often

Men who exercise regularly have more testosterone and perform better in bed. A higher base level of testosterone means that your evenings more slowly collapses. Your testosterone is already increasing after a workout, so dive especially in the gym, before you have a date. From Spanish research shows that it is wise to no more than an hour of training, because that reduces the positive effect of the training.

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maandag 14 september 2015

Goji Berries

Goji Berries, beneficial for mind and body

Goji berries are among the group of superfruits and are also called happy berries in China. A handful of these berries per day has a positive effect on your overall health and your mood. The high doses of antioxidants and vitamins provides a better resistance, and the berries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs such as the liver and the kidneys. The Goij berry is an ancient aphrodisiac. Goji berries can increase the sex drive of both men and women.

What does Goji Berries Contain?

Goji berries contains:

  • 18 kinds of amino acids
  • 8 essential amino acids including isoleucine and tryptophan
  • 21 minerals, including zinc, iron, copper, calcium, geranium, selenium, and phosphorus
  • Carotenoids, including beta-carotene in carrots as a higher dose
  • Vitamin C in very high doses of
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E.
  • Beta-sisterol (an anti-inflammatory)
  • Linoleic acid (good for heart and blood vessels)

Origin and processing
The Goji berry grows originally in cultivated areas in Mongolia and Tibet. Partly due to the high demand Goji berries from Tibet it can be very expensive. Although Tibetan goji berries are sweeter, they seem not to differ in nutritional value of the much more favorable Chinese Goji berries. The ripe berries should never be touched by hand as they will then oxidize and become black. Therefore, they are shaken on mats, and then dried in the shade. The dried berries can be eaten, a small handful a day is sufficient. They can also make the muesli or nuts mix. The Goji berry is used to make tea. There is also Goji berry juice. For nearly anything you can think of you can buy capsules containing the dried, crushed goji berry.

Goji Berrie Uses

Goji berries contain polysaccharides. This is a powerful plant hormone, which increases the resistance by improving the immune system. It stimulates the pineal gland, which allows for growth (of cells) and rejuvenation.
The liver filters free radicals from the blood. Toxins released during the digestion process. These free radicals are very harmful to humans. They are combated with specific antioxidants. Research has shown that Goji berries contain very specific antioxidants, and the highest dose. On the list of products with antioxidants, the Goji berry on top, with six times as many antioxidants as next on the list; prunes.

Goji berries contain pyrroles and cerebrosides which have strong liver regeneration abilities, with recent research has also zeaxanthin dipalminaat discovered in Goji berries that the liver but also protects the eyes.

Goji berries and fight against obesity

Many people are overweight because of our Western lifestyle probably a deficit

  • Zinc
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • Niacin (vitamin B3)
  • Chrome

This is because the power supply is made up of almost entirely of refined raw materials. A daily dose of goji berries (a small handful) contains 100% of the recommended daily amount of these substances. In addition, still other good substances as mentioned earlier.

The post Goji Berries appeared first on HIIT Guides.

Want to build muscle? Read this!

Gaining muscle is absolutely not difficult, you just need to understand how the process works. In this article you will get to knoweverything about building muscle tissue. Are you not gaining results in the gym or at home? You’ll definately know why after reading why.

Muscles Training Goes this way

Let us take a look at how muscles building works. Building muscle tissue goes like this: you run a certain fitness exercise. While performing the fitness exercise you will make very small tears in your muscle tissue. Many hours after the training, these cracks are repaired, this happens during the sleep.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

After 24 or 48 hours, all the tears are repaired (this depends on how much “damage” you have done to the muscle) and the muscle become stronger and grows. This is basically how muscles building works.

Would you like So Muscles Than:

It is important to know that you have to break down as much tissue as possible during your fitness workout. If you do not then you will simply NOT develop muscle tissue! You have to force your muscle to react.

So when you have gained no results for a while with muscles, that can be usually blamed to not making tears in your muscle tissue. Healthy diet also plays a major role in the training of muscle tissue but for now we will focus on muscle tissue.


There are different ways for each other get muscles. These are the points which gives you faster cracks can develop:

Fitness exercises on a steady pace with correct form

Do you perform a fitness exercise not looking good then you can forget making cracks. Because then you are not optimal tears in the muscle.

Use the correct Weight

If you don’t feel any burn when doing the exercises then you will not create tears in your muscle tissue. So use a weight that allows you to feel good at each repetition. Please note! The exercise can be carried out should be fine, so please never use too a heavy weight. You should be able to just complete your last form.

– Perform Multiple sets and repetitions per exercise.

You make a lot of tears when you will be working with sets and repetitions. Try for each exercise 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

– Switch exercises often.

You can the above points during muscles still as good, but if you do not regularly follow other fitness exercises for the muscle group, than word still hard. After every training you have completed, the muscle that is bigger and stronger. At some point the muscle become so strong, that it becomes extremely difficult to create new tears. If you use same exercises then there’s nothing more to be done. When you know every week other fitness exercises, become the muscle stimulated every time in other places, allowing you to weather cracks developed. Regulary change your fitness routine so you can create muscle confusion.

Apply the above points in muscles and I guarantee you that you will achieve success faster. Do you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section.

The post Want to build muscle? Read this! appeared first on HIIT Guides.

zondag 13 september 2015

HIIT on an empty stomach, recommended?

Exercising the right ‘weight’!

Every once in a while, high on motivation and high on weight, we decide to recharge the dead and rusty muscles by crossing unheard boundaries, also known as a GYM. With exciting times ahead, we all set (at times unrealistic) targets for ourselves. Some take a snails approach and build up gradually, some hit the iron on day one itself and are left feeling the aftereffects at night. Suddenly, our feel good cells are activated but 30 minutes into the workout we are drained. We question ourselves, did I eat too much or too less before this session?

One question which has existed since the egg & chicken theory is what and how much to eat before a workout or is it better to exercise on an empty stomach. Let’s try to break all the myths around this topic and present you with the perfect response.

Empty Stomach Exercising

One popular belief is to start the day with a round of cardio completely empty stomach. Once we have had our fair share of carbohydrates and fats at supper, we tend to burn some of the carbohydrate, called as glycogen, in our sleep. Now in the morning, with reduced glycogen in the body, if we start exercising, the demands of energy would be fulfilled from the stored fats in the body leading to burning of the non-desirable fats. This sounds great right? The results are not so great when glycogen is fully exhausted as we tend to lose our muscles since the energy is oaked out from them.

Another probable advantage of exercising on empty stomach is improving our Insulin Sensitivity. After we eat a meal, the essential nutrients need to be redirected to cells to be later used as form of energy. Insulin is a hormone which helps in reducing the sugar from our bloodstream while at the same time passing it to storage areas in liver, muscles and fat cells. Higher insulin sensitivity means that glucose from the meal goes into energy cells rather than being stored as fat which is attained better though fasted state exercising.

Research has shown that empty stomach exercising can help achieve a leaner and fitter body. Running in a fasting state trains the body to aptly utilize the energy stores. It is equally beneficial for people looking to build muscles as exercising boosts generation of Testosterone hormone. This helps reduce body fat and ups the energy levels, even fighting against cardiac issues. These also help absorb the post workout meal more effectively hence reducing the storing fats.

Fed State Exercising

Some people feel more comfortable exercising with some gas in the tank. This can lead to advanced intensity exercising and sustained workout sessions rather than fizzle out midway due to empty tank, eventually leading to higher calories burnt.

Another research published in the “Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport” concluded how eating a high protein meal just 30 minutes before the workout had higher positive effects as compared to empty stomach exercising.

We should definitely try to reduce the amount of calorie intake before a workout session so the question is what to eat? Some of the food items that are beneficial for a moderate to high intensity workout are listed here.

What to Eat before Workout

  1. Bananas – high in digestible carbohydrates, keeps nutrients level high. Best Natural source of energy.
  2. Fruits and Yogurt – fruits give us carbohydrates and greek yogurt is packed with protiens, although make sure to have in limited quantity.
  3. Wholegrain Bread – high in carbohydrates and can be topped up with boiled egg for protien intake.
  4. Oats – full of fibre and vitamins, releases carbohydrates during the exercise regime

What to Avoid before Workout?

  1. Refined Sugar – large amounts of sugar makes you feel lazy lethargic during the workout
  2. Spicy foods – lead toindigestion and heart burn causing uneasiness
  3. Salty foods – cause dehydration leading to cramps & headaches, refuel with lots of H2O to avoid aftereffects.
  4. Heavy foods – creamy, fried food items take longer to digest and would be a hindrance while running and floor exercises

To Eat or Not to Eat?

There is no one answer to this question, it depends on lot of factors like the time of workout, body type, intensity, desired output etc. At the end of the day, you need to do what suits YOUR body and not just blindly go with the myths. If you feel comfortable eating, have a light meal at least 2 hours before the workout. If you feel comfortable on empty stomach, keep refuelling with water and energy drinks during the exercise regime to avoid getting dehydrated.

All in all, exercising should be a pleasant and comforting experience. You should not come out of the gym feeling sick due to under or over eating. If eating light snacks gives you the right mind set and apt energy, then surely have it before pumping iron.

Just listen to the body and it will tell you what suits you best!

The post HIIT on an empty stomach, recommended? appeared first on HIIT Guides.

woensdag 9 september 2015

Nearly at the end of your goal? Tips to burn the last few remaining pounds!

The last pounds of fat are the most persistent. Especially that belly fat. Follow these to help burn the last pounds.

Eat slower and eat less

When you eat at a lower pace you will have more time to enjoy your food. Research shows that if you eat at a  lower pace that you will actually consume 60 kilocalories per meal less. Teach yourself to only put food in your mouth when your mouth is empty. As a result, you will eat up to 4625 kcal less in a month! This is easily 2 pounds of fat per month!

Choose interval training instead of endurance training

Interval training is a more efficient way to get you back into shape. An interval training is not necessarily better for fat burning, but will cost you just a lot less time. Interval training is the best way to help you lose weight while retaining muscle.

No television during meals

If are eat while watching tv then you eat faster and more because you will connect the television with your eating habits. Many people associate food television, there is the risk that you unconsciously go snacking and thus will end up eating more unnecessary food.

Eat less cheese and spreads on your bread

Replace on spreads and cheese on your slices of bread by chicken breast. If you want to lose those excess pounds fat you better not eat too much cheese. If you do eat cheese then choose the skinny variant, as for instance for the 20 + or 30 + variant where less saturated fat in it. Spreads are usually filled with unhealthy fats like mayonaise.

Coffee during your breakfast

Drink a cup of strong coffee when having breakfast. This increases your energy consumption that day with a few percentage points. A higher power consumption ensures that you lose weight faster. Non coffee lovers can drink green tea.

Drink a glass of water before you go have lunch

If you are having lunch or dinner, drink dinner drink a glass. You can easily eat easy one-fifth less!

Replace your normal schedule in the gym once by supersets would you like extra burn, change for supersets instead of maximum force. Do two or three exercises right after each other and rest only when you have done everything exercises twice. In this way you burned more calories.

donderdag 3 september 2015

Chia Seeds

Chia seed is the superfood of the moment. It is a natural product that is originally derived from Central America. At the time of the Aztecs, chia seeds have been used as medicine. Chia seeds provide long-term energy and contain more omega-3 than any other food. They are a source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Because of their good qualities chia seeds slows down the aging process, strengthens your immune system and brings your blood sugar in balance.

Chia seeds have a neutral flavor. Through this neutral taste, the seeds can be easily combined in a lot of dishes. Sprinkle chia seeds in your yogurt, smoothie, soup, put them through a healthy salad or use them in recipes for cakes, muffins and energy bars. One or two tablespoons a day is enough to give you health and energy level a huge kick. You can eat them raw as a crunchy seeds. Or you can buy the chia seeds in water overnight so they become soft / gelatinous. Soaked chia seeds are especially recommended for proper bowel function.