woensdag 23 december 2015

4 Main Weight Loss Myths

If you’ve ever wondered about the weight loss (and You’re doing it, admit it!), You will inevitably come across one of the following popular myths about losing weight. They are so deeply penetrated into us that presented irrefutable truths, although most are not based on any reliable scientific theories. Moreover, the results of studies in recent years, directly refute some of them.

Cardio, particularly running, is the best way to lose weight

Once it so happened that many people believe that the long-running, cycling or walking – a major exercise for fat loss. In fact, if these activities and help get rid of a pair of a kilogram is done it will be largely due to loss and muscle mass of your body fat will remain almost unchanged. In addition, these exercises have a short-term effect and calorie burning stops almost immediately after you step off the treadmill.

The best alternative to a low-intensity cardio is to use a high-intensity interval training (HIIT or for short). During these training segments of a very high load followed by periods of rest, for a total burns more calories much longer affects your and gives a metabolism more pronounced result when losing weight. In this study it was proved that HIIT was 9 times more efficient at burning fat compared with long cardio moderate loads.

Do not eat after six in the evening

Probably somewhere in the ideal world, it usually works, but in our real, it means coming home from work, you can not restore normal forces and deprive yourself of the pleasure of sharing a meal with the family. This rule not only hurts you, but do not make much sense.

Fact that obesity The leads to excess food intake and it does not matter what time of day you eat it. There have been several studies in which the two groups were given the same amount of calories, but at different times. As you’ve probably guessed, much of a difference for weight loss that it did not matter. Moreover, the observed positive effect of the hormone Growth Hormone in the burning of fat is at night, so do not give up on moderate dinner at a convenient time.

Breakfast – is the most important meal

Well, you remember, probably, all these statements about “eat yourself breakfast, lunch, this content share …” and so on. No, at breakfast there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but the value for weight loss is greatly exaggerated.

When you eat in the morning you set your body on the day of the program, according to which it expects at least as fewer calories throughout the day. If you cheat your body in your expectations, you will experience constant hunger. In other words , the more you eat at breakfast, the more you want to eat all day.

Therefore, tomorrow, instead, to start eating right in the morning, just drink a glass of water or coffee. And my usual breakfast, move at least a few hours. You will not feel hungry all day, even if slightly reduced their usual diet . It works better than the most advanced diet, I promise.

Eating every 3-4 hours can speed up your metabolism

Theory behind this The myth suggests that frequent meals increases the metabolic rate The, which in general is true. But this does not necessarily lead to the loss of fat. There is no conclusive evidence linking the frequency of food intake and weight loss.

A recent French study proved that there is no relation between people consume 2,000 calories in four portions of 500, and those who ate twice at 1,000 calories. But we can say for sure that the need to eat every few hours makes you a slave to the plates and terribly uncomfortable in real life.

The post 4 Main Weight Loss Myths appeared first on HIIT Guides.

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