woensdag 17 februari 2016

HIIT For Women

A lot of women ask us if they can train or not, how to became prepared to exercise (HIIT or cardio), how to do it without spending a fortune on this, that’s way we decided to run our website, we want to answer all women questions about HIIT workouts for women and sport in general.Women during HIIT training

At first We will explain you some things about high intensity workouts for women, We will destroy myths about it:

Myth 1- The best fat burner is cardio workout (heart rat under 75%)- it’s not true, because of special features of woman’s body, for example specific fat between muscles or female hormones, which determine the work of Your body. It’s not article about it’ that’s why We won’t write about it now. You don’t have to worry HIIT workout for women won’t build extreme muscles without special diet.
Myth 2- Interval training for women is bad idea because they will get to much muscles- it’s not true because women’s body is designed in very specific way, in natural way women just can’t get too much muscles. You can ask Us about women body builders, but they have a specific diet, a lot of supplements, prepared only for building muscles,with normal healthy dishes regular women won’t achieve this level of body building. You can improve you look, but you won’t look unnaturally.
So now it’s the time for the main part of this article, as I said at first the traditional cardio workout isn’t as affective as people say it is. We want to show you alternative, more effective way of losing weight and building fit body it’s interval training for women (and men too, but it is article for women). HIIT workout has a lot of advantages, here We have some examples:

Because of changing nature it involved body in different way than traditional cardio workout. During HIIT workout our body work in interval, changing states, our muscles work in both two stages (areobic and anaerobic) during our training, because of that special feature this training is so effective.
HIIT just burn your additional pounds, but it build your muscles in very effective way, and remember the better muscles you have, the faster your metabolism is, the faster you burn calories in simple things.
It have very good influence on our heart- during the training we change hart rate every minute, it’s like workout for it, because it is a muscle too. Remember if you have problems with Your heart You should contact Your doctor and ask him for permission, it doesn’t matter if it’s HIIT, or cardio workout, you must visit him, it’s all about your health.
To do simple cardio workout you need at least one hour, but if You train using HIIT methods you need only twenty minutes to do your exercises, and the results would be the same.
It is very effective if you connect it with good diet habits, you can read more about it here: Diet.
Next very important subject is Your security during training. HIIT workout for women is very good choice, but you must take care about Yourself and your health, the list below is advice for you:This points need your attention.

Listen to your body- if you will bad during your training make small break, drink water, wait five minutes and start again, remember it’s all about your health. Even the best body-builders have weak moments, that’s why you have right to break .
Menstrual cycle- none of the phases is bad for training in general, but each woman body is different, so you must take care of you and slowly accustom your body to train. Remember it’s all about your regularity.
Train in public places- if it’s possible train in public places, fresh air and other people will motivate you. Find a grup because if you are alone you are weak. It’s very important at the beginning, when you are’nt addicted to HIIT ( We are addicted to HIIT, we just can’t stop our training)
At the end We want to explain you that HIIT workouts for women is similar to HIIT for man. The main difference is that woman must pay attention to their body every day, because of menstrual cycle. That’s why now you can read other articles about high intensity workouts for women and men, here You can find example of Exercises, so You can start training now.

The post HIIT For Women appeared first on HIIT Guides.

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