donderdag 24 december 2015

How Sleeping Helps You to Get Fit

Who train with weights, especially professional bodybuilders know that to maintain physical fitness and promote the development of muscle cells need sleep.
Rest with proper nutrition, hydration and training are the pillars of muscle development, which is valid for all people train with weights or not.
Research published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine indicates that sleep deprivation alters hormones and can promote obesity. It states that partial sleep deprivation alters levels of the hormones that regulate hunger and appetite.

Leptin tells the brain that the body does not need more food. Ghrelin is the hormone that triggers hunger. However, research conducted with a group of 12 healthy male volunteers between 20 and 25 who slept only four hours a night for two days was conclusive. They experienced a decline of 18% in leptin and an increase of 28% in ghrelin levels. In conclusion: Too little sleep, increase appetite and fat.
How much should you sleep each night?
It depends on the age and energy that is spent during the day. But sleep experts recommend about eight hours. For younger people, between ten and eleven hours.
If you train with weights intensely, it is appropriate to sleep 8-10 hours continuous overnight to allow the body to regenerate damaged tissues and promote cell anabolism.
Magical dream
We should not simplify the problem and pretend to sleep more will lose weight, like everything in life, the important thing is balance.
You need enough but within a healthy pattern of life where food and physical activity are present naturally sleep.
Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of our body, anyone who has suffered insomnia or has been studying or working know that tomorrow is the day begins with listlessness, drowsiness and somewhat cranky.
So we plan daily activities considering the hours devoted to rest, nothing happens if we do not then possibly we will have a chance to recover. When going to bed, his is deep sleep to stay healthy.

The post How Sleeping Helps You to Get Fit appeared first on HIIT Guides.

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